Hlee Bee School

The three playgrounds I designed ranged in ages from nursery school to high school and in size from fifty children to three hundred. For the Hlee Bee and Hsa Thoo Lei schools I was also one of the construction managers and dealt with construction trouble shooting as well as material acquisition. Each school had its own particular challenge that need to be over come. For Hlee Bee School it was building the “Ham-Burger Gym” and the central cubbyhouse. The “Ham-Burgler Gym” was a new featured that we wanted to implement and it took way more math and test trials to create than I ever would have imagined! The central cubby house produced a unique problem since it had to be built into an existing bamboo tree. We came up with the tee-pee design as a way to give more support to the backside of the cubbyhouse. Getting that tee-pee to go through the bamboo tree and be perfectly perpendicular to the ground was difficult stuff.
